Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tips for healthy pregnancy

Tips for pregnant woman, Precaution for pregnant lady.
Pregnancy is one of the most important ans serious condition for any lady. So pregnant lady must take lots of precaution at the time of pregnancy. So, here are the tips for healthy pregnancy.
  1. See your practitioner before becoming pregnant.
  2. Eat lots of healthy variety foods.
  3. Do exercise! which will help to stay in good shape during pregnancy, can decrease your risk of miscarriage.
  4. Read more articles and educate yourself about pregnant.
  5. Try to eat a different new vegetables.
  6. Avoid additional pill that can harm your pregnancy
  7. Don't smoking and avoid alchoal.
  8. Take a prenatal vitamin. They can be prescribed by your practitioner or you can buy them over the counter. Ensure it contains 0.4 mg of folic acid.
  9. Ask your partner to join you on your new healthy habit changes.
  10. Ask your friends about pregnancy and parenthood.
  11. Visit dentist before you get pregnant and brush your teeth everyday.
  12. Stop changing cat litter.
  13. Remember, it can take up to a year to become pregnant. If you have been actively trying for a year or more than six months if you are over 35, see your practitioner.
  14. Talk to your parents, what do you want to take from their experiences? How do you want to be different?
  15. Take rest.
  16. Drink enough water daily.
  17. Join a prenatal yoga or exercise class.
  18. Try to add 300 - 500 calories a day while pregnant.
  19. Try to stretch before going to bed that help prevent leg cramps.


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